Celebrating International Women’s Day at SKYRE

Today we’re celebrating International Women’s Day by hearing from the amazing women on the team at SKYRE. We pride ourselves on all opinions and skill sets being valued at the same level. No one is too educated, too young, too old, or too female to contribute to our team. 

“Everyday is women’s day at SKYRE. Here we empower and champion those working to solve some of the world’s most challenging energy problems as we pave a smarter way to a better world.” – Gail A. Brackett, VP Marketing & Communications

“My colleagues and I are persons of varied experience and backgrounds and each of us brings something distinctive to the table. I’ve found that SKYRE employees are enthusiastic about problem-solving and are actively searching for solutions to the challenges we’re given. All possibilities and opinions are encouraged, heard, and considered. Everyone jumps in to help and get the work done. No one is too educated, too young, too old, or too female to contribute to the team. Never before have I been a part of such a collaborative environment.” - Sonja Randall, Engineering Process Manager

“Since joining SKYRE, I have been focused on creating efficiencies, cultural awareness and process ease. My fellow SKYREs have been open to my ideas, welcoming the change. They openly share their opinions and feelings either by way of completing surveys or simply stopping by to chat with me. This shows their trust in my ideas and abilities. It's that joint commitment that is going to continue to make SKYRE a great place to work. “  - Carmela Avery, Human Resources Manager

“At SKYRE, I feel like we're all here for each other. When I need a hand, people are there to lend one, and when I have the opportunity to use my skills and talents, people are quick to recognize and appreciate what I bring to the table.” - Emma Doerner, Control Systems Engineer

“When my friends ask me about the work dynamic at SKYRE, I always tell them it's the best place I have ever worked.  I tell them I am happy with my position and the work I provide. I tell them SKYRE has a great team and everyone works well together.  When there is an issue/problem/deadline everyone comes together and works smoothly as a solid team. “ - Marlee Hy-Le, Accounting & Procurement Specialist

“SKYRE is a small company of about 25 employees, so everyone knows everyone else. This makes for a friendly and collaborative work environment. We just completed a high-stakes project, and all employees chipped in to do what was needed to complete the project.” - Monica Lee, Business Development Specialist

“The team is incredibly diverse and comes from all different types of backgrounds, allowing for even more learning due to the variety of perspectives.  As a woman, I don’t feel we are treated any differently.  It’s a very positive environment!” - Connie Cullan, Executive Assistant

"At SKYRE, I always feel my opinions are heard and taken seriously. It's a young company but I can already see that a major focus is to be an environment that values everyone for their contributions." - Mary Delaney, Senior Marketing Manager


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